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文章出处:http://www.jnkdblgd.com/ 人气: 0 发表时间:2021-07-30
During the process of opening the KFC door in Jinan, you will find that the door is not flexible. How to solve this problem? Next, the KFC door manufacturer will introduce the solutions in detail:
1. The door is opened in the wrong way
使用肯德基门的过程中要轻推轻拉,如果发现推拉困难不要强行,要找出原因,清理积灰保持清洁,尤其是推拉槽的清洁,可以使用吸尘器进行清灰,在清灰后可加稍许机油或者是润滑油来增加其灵活 性。
Push and pull the KFC door gently during use. If it is difficult to push and pull, do not force it. Find out the reason, clean the accumulated dust and keep it clean, especially the push-pull groove. You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust. After cleaning, add a little engine oil or lubricating oil to increase its flexibility.
2. Careless cleaning
KFC doors and windows can be dipped with soft cloth with water or neutral detergent. Do not use ordinary soap and washing powder, and do not use strong acid-base cleaners such as decontamination powder and toilet detergent. Don't clean in time after cloudy days. Or after rainy days, wipe the wet glass and door and window frames in time, and pay special attention to wipe the accumulated water in the chute. If the chute is used for a long time and the friction force increases, you can add a little engine oil or apply a layer of wax oil.
3. Improper installation
It is normal that the KFC door cannot be pushed and pulled flexibly due to the improper installation. During the inspection, we made some installation adjustments, and the KFC door has restored the flexibility of pushing and pulling.
The above is the article shared by Jinan KFC door manufacturer. I hope it will help you!