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文章出处:http://www.jnkdblgd.com/ 人气: 0 发表时间:2021-09-06
In daily use, although the glass door will not have major problems, if it is not used properly and the maintenance is not in place, there will often be many small problems, such as abnormal noise or moving fan when pushing and pulling. This paper introduces three simple maintenance methods for the glass door provided by Jinan Kaida glass partition.
1. Metal accessories of glass door, such as door handle and metal strip, can be replaced directly if they fall off or are damaged. If there is a problem with the ground spring, it is recommended to find the glass door maintenance personnel for door-to-door maintenance.
Jinan glass door
2. Glass is very fragile and difficult to repair. In the past, the idiom "a bright mirror is hard to round" spread in China shows that glass will break and basically can't be repaired well. In addition, glass doors are used more and more widely. In the long-term use of glass doors, there will always be some large or small faults, which will affect the overall use effect of glass doors. Therefore, in case of failure, it shall be handled in time to prolong the service life of the glass door as far as possible.
3.如果玻璃门在使用范围内无法 正常滑动,则需要检查滑道,以确定是否有杂质,使之无法 正常滑动。如有,请清 除滑道上的杂质,看看能否正常滑行。否则,请检查滑道是否生锈。这样的话,滑道可以加一些润滑油或润滑油,或者把滑道生锈。
3. If the glass door cannot slide normally within the scope of use, the slideway needs to be checked to determine whether there are impurities that make it unable to slide normally. If yes, please remove the impurities on the slide to see if it can slide normally. Otherwise, check the slide for rust. In this case, the slide can be added with some lubricating oil or lubricating oil, or the slide can be rusted.
To sum up, Jinan Kaida glass partition provides you with a simple glass door maintenance method. Of course, although you can try to solve small problems, you should contact the glass company to solve big problems, otherwise it will cause bigger problems if you delay time.