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文章出处:http://www.jnkdblgd.com/ 人气: 0 发表时间:2022-09-13
In modern residential space design, fashion and variability are emphasized in style. Because of the influence of the family members and living behaviors of the residents, the residents have different needs for space. In the same period of time, if we can make full use of residential space, we must use reasonable glass partitions. Next, Jinan high compartment manufacturers will talk about the application design of glass partitions in different spaces.
(1) Porch
The porch is a transitional space leading directly to the interior of the residential space entrance. Its main function is to let the family in and out and to welcome guests. It is the barrier of the residence. According to traditional Feng Shui, it is taboo to see everything in the indoor space as soon as you enter the door.
Therefore, glass partition is usually used to create an aesthetic feeling that people want to cover up. The glass partition of the porch can not only facilitate guests to change clothes and hang hats, but also play a certain effect of decoration space, which is the concentration of the overall residential space design and the embodiment of the artistic conception of the finishing touch.
(2) Living room
The living room is the main place for family activities. The selection of glass partitions plays an enhanced functional effect on the style of residential space design. It has become a trend to use glass partitions in the living room of residential space.
(3) Dining room and study
The design of living room and dining room is usually mutual circulation. Transparent glass partition can be used to strengthen the cohesion and centripetal force of local indoor space, and constantly activate the indoor environment atmosphere of the residence. Study has different needs in different families.
If a rest space is separated in the study, open bookshelves, screens or art display shelves can be used to separate it, so as to create a quiet reading atmosphere.
Dividing the space with glass partition can not only reflect the functional partition, but also realize the multi-functional application of the space. By using this technique, we can constantly make space coherent, use space, and create a certain situation. So as to create a more modern atmosphere and artistic conception of residential space. You can come to our website if you need http://www.jnkdblgd.com Consult for more information!