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文章出处:http://www.jnkdblgd.com/ 人气: 0 发表时间:2021-08-30
How to realize the dry and wet separation in the bathroom? In order to achieve this goal, many people like to install glass partitions in the bathroom. As everyone knows, although the glass partition is beautiful, it has many problems: it not only takes up space, but also the glass is particularly difficult to take care of. For small family, glass partition is obviously not practical. Now, there are several methods better than glass partition, which can solve the problem of bathroom partition of small house type!
小户型的朋友们,可以在淋浴区域的地面上增加挡水条,再挂上一个浴帘。当淋浴的时候,就把浴帘拉上,平时则拉开通风,这样不仅能使整个卫生间的空间变得开阔,还能保持空气的流通。关键的是,浴帘可比玻璃隔断省钱得多哦,而且漂亮的图案还能起到美 化环境的作用呢;
Small family friends, you can add a water retaining strip on the ground of the shower area, and then hang a shower curtain. When taking a shower, pull up the shower curtain and open the ventilation at ordinary times, which can not only open the space of the whole bathroom, but also maintain the circulation of air. The key is that the shower curtain can save much more money than the glass partition, and the beautiful pattern can also beautify the environment;
2、 Half partition wall
对于小 户型来说,这也不失为一个很好的选择。不仅能够实现干湿分离的目的,还能利用这半个墙面,打造属于自己的风格,给墙面贴上复古风或是现代化的瓷砖,都能起到装饰美 化的作用。
For small houses, this is a good choice. It can not only achieve the purpose of dry and wet separation, but also use this half of the wall to create its own style, and paste retro style or modern ceramic tiles on the wall, which can play the role of decoration and beautification.
3、 Toilet decoration skills
1: Hydropower transformation. This is the highlight of toilet decoration. We must do a good job in supervision during installation and ask teachers to test after completion.
2: Wall decoration. If you want to improve the visual effect of the bathroom, you need to work up and down the wall. In the decoration, Xiaobian prefers wall tiles, because it is not only durable, but also has a good decorative effect.
3:地砖:先彻 底清理卫生间地面,然后找平。地面找平后接着要做的就是防水,这很重要。地砖不要铺小的马赛克,太藏脏东西了,如果卫生间的卫浴是开 放的,满屋子的地砖缝里都会有洗浴泡沫、头发丝、灰尘等脏东西,很难清理,脏东西在潮湿的环境下会加剧滋生细 菌。尽量铺防滑的小块的地砖。
3: Floor tile: first thoroughly clean the toilet floor, and then level it. After the ground is leveled, the next thing to do is waterproof, which is very important. The floor tiles should not be covered with small mosaics. They hide too much dirt. If the bathroom is open, there will be dirty things like bath foam, hair, dust and so on in the floor tiles. It will be difficult to clean up. Dirty things will aggravate bacteria in wet environment. Try to lay small anti-skid floor tiles.
4: Ceiling: generally, there are aluminum gusset ceilings on the market. For household use, the service life of aluminum gusset plate is longer than that of PVC. Moreover, the quality of aluminum gusset plate is good, there are many shapes on the layout, and the price is not very expensive. In fact, you don't have to listen to the problem of thickness fooled by merchants, and you don't have to step under your feet to do so thick. Moreover, the aluminum gusset plate ceiling is very simple. If the roof leaks, you can buckle it down and check it before you install it. The operation is simple.
听完以上的介绍,你是否对这两种做法心动了呢?相比较玻璃隔断来说,小 户型的家庭选择这两种做法,不仅方便省钱,还美观好看。如果你对浴室隔断有更好的意见和建议,欢迎在评论中与大家分享!
After listening to the above introduction, are you excited about these two methods? Compared with the glass partition, these two practices are not only convenient and economical, but also beautiful for small families. If you have better comments and suggestions on bathroom partition, welcome to share with you in the comments!